10 MIN – FULL BODY CHAIR WORKOUT (Abs, Booty, Upper Body)

Skip the Calories Away

Most people when they think of skipping automatically think of their childhood; they either have thoughts of fun times in the playground with their friends or thoughts of sheer fear, as they never quite mastered the art of skipping. The truth is anyone, unless they have an injury, can skip, it may just take some people a bit longer than others.

Combining Strength Training With Cardio

Combining strength training with cardio in the same workout can be inhibiting, but it can also be done successfully. You’ll need to keep a few things in mind when combining the two in order to get the most out of these two exercises. Here are a few tips to maximize your workout while combining cardio and strength training.

Cardio For Weight Loss?

Beginners are mostly confused souls unable to decide which exercise to start with. They should first understand fitness in general before starting exercising on a regular basis. Making a choice is important.

Kettlebell Training – Cardio Strength Training at Its Best!

Are you looking for the best combination of cardio and strength for your personal workouts? If so then permit yourself a minute to read this article and apply the following cardio strength training routine to your workouts for some superior physical results!

Cardio Conundrum

Did you see John Berardi post about cardio yesterday? Pretty much JB took 3 groups of people all consisting of trained individuals of similar fitness level and age and put them all on the same strength training program developed by Alwyn Cosgrove, and then put them all on different cardio programs.

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5 Reasons Why You Really Need to Do Cardio Training

You only have one body, you should take care of it! Being fit and healthy should not be a fad, but a way of life. Being fit can help you not only to lose weight, but also make you feel years younger. The best way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is through doing cardio training.

Indoor Cycling Classes – The Anatomy of a Sixty Minute Indoor Cycling Class

Indoor cycling and indoor cycling classes have become one of the most popular ways to improve your fitness level. Group classes in particular offer a fun, motivational environment to help you meet your fitness goals. Let’s take a look at what goes on during a one hour cycling class…

Great Cardio at Home With a Single Exercise!

Are you looking for a hard hitting and simple way to get a tremendous cardio workout right in the comfort of your own home? If so then permit yourself a minute to read this article and apply the following single exercise that I have included in order to help you get a great cardio workout at home without the necessity of equipment!

Indoor Cycling Routines – The Single Most Important Attribute For a Great Workout

Are you a fan of indoor cycling or indoor cycling classes? Indoor cycling is one of the best ways to increase your fitness level. But most indoor cyclists short change their workouts, and themselves, by ignoring the importance of one specific attribute…

The Differences Between the P90X and Insanity Home Workout Systems

Does the P90X or Insanity home workout system best meet your needs? There are distinct differences in each of the workout systems and in this article I will be discussing and examining each of them. We will begin with one of the more important factors: cost.

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